Sunday, January 16, 2011

A Touch of Color

If you haven't seen it already, some or most Photographers have their own type of editing style. Some lean more towards the black and white. Some towards Sepia, and some towards to just Color. Or there are a few that have this very unique style of editing. I call it "A Touch of Color".

As you can see below, "A Touch of Color" is making the photography Black & White and then making only a few items or people in the photograph, color. Its pretty easy depending on the type of editing software you use.
For these, I used the Serif Photo Plus Starter Edition.

Keep an eye out for more editing tips & techniques!!

Thursday, December 30, 2010


Taking good pictures of your pets can be very difficult. Anderson Photography wants to share some tips with you to get those great pictures!

               The best possible lighting is achieved outside in natural light. Try to do this even if your pet is an indoors only pet. If not possible to have your pet outside, have your pet next to a large window.
Avoid direct sunlight, as it can alter natural coloring and increase the contrast between shadow and light hiding some of the features.

Having sharp eyes is important in any kind of portraits photography. As they say, “Eyes are the Window to the Soul” and pets eye can be very expressive. So make sure to focus on your pet’s eyes and keep the tack sharp.
It is very important that you pet feels comfortable and at ease, so instead of forcing him to come to you go to him. Most important is to get down to his level; We all know how a dog looks when viewed from above, this is the way we always see them. Show us the way they see world! Sit on the floor or lie on your belly and remember to shoot from HIS/HER eye level or below.

We hope these worked for you, if you would like more tips check out this link below!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Macro Photography

Today, I decided to practice some more on my Macro(close-up) photography. I have these curtains in my dining room that have some tassel bell type things hanging from them. So i came up with this image in my head. Thought it out and started shooting.

Now-a-days, there are many different kits that you can buy to help capture great close-ups. Such as a close-up lens, sometimes called a close-up filter. Its non expensive and it just screws right onto your standard lens. Be sure to have a filter wrench on hand just incase it decides to get stuck! Another option is something called a lens tube. It extends the distance from the lens and the image sensor. The longer the distance, the more magnified the image.

So anyways, since it's been snowing and there aren't many good looking plants around. I decided to try and find something that was indoors. Once I found the curtains details, I used the provided Macro setting on my Nikon D3000. Here is what it looks like.

I will be more than happy to provide some tips for anyone who would like to try Macro Photography! Just send me an e-mail at

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

We hope everyone had a great holiday! Anderson Photography is working on some new things. We are going to start making another contest that will start some time after New Years. Keep an eye out for the details, and prize.

Anyways, we had a great Christmas! We will be posting a few pictures here and there, and would LOVE your feedback. If you have any pictures that you would like us to take a look at as well, feel free to post them on here or send them in an email to us!

Getting great photo tips can always be helpful. We will not criticize or judge your photos. So feel free to send them along!

Well, here is the first picture of the week. A gorgeous red gift bow. Using a macro feature on the Nikon D3000 w/ 18-55mm lens. Let us know what you think!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Photo Contest Update!

Its been a little over a week since we started the contest, and so far its going great! I cant wait to look through all of the pictures at once so we can vote the best! The contest deadline is Tuesday, December 21st, 2010. The drawing for the winner, will be Tuesday at 6pm. So please remember to have your pictures emailed to me by 1:00pm with your name and contact information in the email. Good luck everyone!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Winter Wonderland Photo Contest

Anderson Photography is going to have a "Winter Wonderland" Photo Contest. It's easy, all you have to do is take a creative picture. Could be of you and your family, your christmas tree, ect. Then send them to with your Name, and contact information. We will send an email back thanking you for your entry. Contest starts now, and the winner will recieve one FREE package of their choice.